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Cracking Kickstarter: Go Wash CEO Interview

Read about our crowdfunding client, Go Wash, live now on Indiegogo!

Introduce us to your business, how you got the idea, and how you sourced any materials.

We originally started out as a nameless mobile detailing company. As we started we continued looking at products and process’ that could make us more efficient or get better results. This is when we found out about waterless wash. The idea of waterless wash we thought was genius so naturally we tried a couple that we found. The results were good but not great plus it didn’t seem like anyone grasped just how big of a difference this could be in terms of water conservation. Boom GoWash was born! At this point we set out to find a manufacturer that was willing to work with us and help develop our product. They were even able to source everything we needed.

How did you go about manufacturing your product, as that is a major obstacle for many entrepreneurs?

We were fortunate, and it took a couple months of searching and digging but we were able to source a manufacturer in the US. As a new start up all we had was an idea and time.

How do you handle the logistics and inventory management of a crowd funding campaign, not knowing how much product you will end up needing?

I think this is probably much easier for us since our product is a liquid. Thanks to our manufacturer we only have worry about bottles and boxes.

Tell us about the backend of your business and if there is any online tools or apps you use to stay organized?

It can be a lot at times keeping track of everything, especially when we were making our crowdfunding campaign. Google has a lot to offer and has been a big help. We have also used:

MailChimp - for sending group emails and keeping track of our email list

Hootsuite - has made social media easier, and has its own analytics

Dropbox - was a big help while working on our video

Liveplan - worked well for us developing our business plan

Pixlr - has allowed us to edit photos while on the run

How have you been able to get the word out about your product? Any direct or online marketing tips?

Primarily thru organic direct marketing. We have teamed up with our friends at Racingline to go to car shows. This is where we did a lot of beta testing and validating our product. Locally we did mobile detailing(where we started) for a short period. Other than that is has been social media, our biggest account is definitely Instagram.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Never give up.

It seems so simple, but that one phrase has pushed me thru so much. When there is something you want in life you have to be persistent or you will never get it

What tips do you have for crowd funders and entrepreneurs, from making a crowd funding video to making a website and selling product?

You can’t know enough, so make sure you know the right people! Crowdfunding is new for us so I can’t say we are well versed. Looking back I feel like we rushed it(video production), so be sure to make sure you have ample time. A videographer can make or break your video - so make sure you get the best your budget will allow.

Our website was built by yours truly. Squarespace has made it fairly simple, but it really came down to time vs budget - budget lost this one. I like our site but I don’t love our site, once we are running we will have it redone.

Lastly, what should consumers know about your product that is different from what is already on the market?

We have a fantastic product but our biggest difference is we give back. The basis of our product is not using water but we take that a step further and support water conservation groups. Once GoWash is up and running 5% of all profits will go to water conservation efforts. You can help us support water conservation sooner by supporting our campaign, $.50 from each sticker pack and $1.00 from each t-shirt sold in the campaign will go to

Thanks so much for talking with us!

Check out their progress on Indiegogo here: and reach out to us at if you want free exposure for your crowdfunding campaign :)

-The Create Team

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